This Total War Launcher has Stopped Working Warhammer method is very effective, and a lot of users are able to play their game without any issue after using this method. Mods are known to be Total War Launcher has Stopped Working Warhammer problematic in multiple cases. Some users have confirmed that any type of active game mods results in the failure of launching the game. If there are any active game mods, make sure to disable them completely.

Update System: Apart from the driver, make sure that your OS is also up to date.Update Graphics Driver: Ensure that your graphics driver is up to date there have been many cases in which the outdated graphics driver was the issue.If not, then disable Windows bit defender and Firewall as well. Disable Antivirus and Firewall: If you installed any third-party antivirus, kindly disable it when running the game.It is recommended that instead of jumping right onto the below Total War Launcher has Stopped Working Warhammer solutions, make sure that you have already gone through these basic yet important tips. To fix this issue, we have gathered some solutions all of these solutions have been working and legit. How to Fix Total War Launcher has Stopped Working Issue Total war: Warhammer 2 not launching from the launcher.